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What will be the lowest price of bitcoin in 2021?

Transaction logbook for Gene Archer

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2022/01/03 06:28:21 S $5,000 or below 0.00 - -160,777.23 0.00 Final settlement
2021/08/17 04:22:46 T $5,000 or below 22,000.00 - 160,777.23 13.68 Bought ac4fe150
2021/08/17 04:22:38 T $5,000 or below -15,433.53 - 131,720.97 11.72 Sold ac4fe150
2021/08/17 04:22:27 T $5,000 or below 15,433.54 - 131,720.97 11.72 Bought ac4fe150
2021/08/17 04:21:47 T $5,000 or below -2,168.42 - 31,488.67 6.89 Sold ac4fe150
2021/08/17 04:21:14 T $5,000 or below 2,168.43 - 31,488.67 6.89 Bought ac4fe150
2021/08/17 04:20:32 T $20,000 to $25,000 -21,494.67 - 73,367.87 29.30 Sold ac4fe150
2021/04/26 18:04:27 T $20,000 to $25,000 9,120.17 - 73,367.87 12.43 Bought ac4fe150
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement