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Transactions by Herbert R.

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total 2,312.02 1,072.67 -3,384.69
2021/01/31 03:18:37   T 150m to 175m TH/s - 2,500.00 -3,511.30 28.80 -2,500.00
2021/01/31 03:18:46   T 125m to 150m TH/s - 2,500.00 -3,566.99 29.91 -2,500.00
2021/01/31 03:18:51   T 175m to 200m TH/s - 2,000.00 -2,334.15 14.32 -2,000.00
2021/01/31 03:19:01   T 200m to 250m TH/s - 1,500.00 -1,709.40 12.25 -1,500.00
2021/01/31 03:19:11   T 125m TH/s or less - 750.00 -819.74 8.51 -750.00
2021/11/25 11:50:08   T 200m to 250m TH/s - -1,672.00 1,709.40 2.19 +1,672.00
2021/11/25 11:50:14   T 200m to 250m TH/s - 1,500.00 -1,533.58 2.19 -1,500.00
2021/11/25 11:50:18   T 175m to 200m TH/s - -2,062.32 2,334.15 11.65 +2,062.32
2021/11/25 11:50:22   T 175m to 200m TH/s - 2,000.00 -2,263.71 11.65 -2,000.00
2021/11/25 11:50:28   T 125m TH/s or less - -776.50 819.74 5.27 +776.50
2021/11/25 11:50:31   T 125m TH/s or less - 750.00 -791.76 5.27 -750.00
2021/11/25 11:50:57   T 125m to 150m TH/s - 424.63 -722.98 41.27 -424.63
2021/11/25 11:51:09   T 150m to 175m TH/s - 347.36 -561.94 38.19 -347.36
2021/12/30 03:25:00   T 175m to 200m TH/s - -2,073.19 2,263.71 8.42 +2,073.19
2021/12/30 03:25:15   T 175m to 200m TH/s 2,312.02 - 24,156.24 9.57 -2,312.02
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 125m TH/s or less - -791.76 791.76 0.00 +791.76
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 125m to 150m TH/s - -4,289.97 4,289.98 0.00 +4,289.97
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 150m to 175m TH/s - 0.00 4,073.24 100.00 +0.00
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 175m to 200m TH/s 0.00 - -24,156.24 0.00 +0.00
2022/01/02 13:36:35   S 200m to 250m TH/s - -1,533.58 1,533.58 0.00 +1,533.58
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement