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What will be the average Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer for Mickey 17 on its US release day?

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  • New question proposed accepted on 2025/02/18 13:27:46
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    What will be the average Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer for Mickey 17 on its US release day?
    Judgement rule
    We will use the value at the end of the day on 7 March at this page,
    Note this is calculated on a rolling basis, I will do my best to get the end of day value.
    If there are no scores or some other unforeseen event, the Other outcome will pay off.

    More background:
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (12.50%) [95,100]
    • 2. (12.50%) [90,95)
    • 3. (12.50%) [85,90)
    • 4. (12.50%) [80,85)
    • 5. (12.50%) [75,80)
    • 6. (12.50%) [70,75)
    • 7. (12.50%) <70
    • 8. (12.50%) Other
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2025/03/07 12:00
    Result expected on
    2025/03/07 12:00
    Trading session (optional):
      until   2025/03/07 12:00