What type of movement restrictions will Chennai have for New Year 2021?
Transaction logbook for Anshuman Srinivasan
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S | Restrictions of gatherings | 0.00 | - | -3,815.75 | 0.00 | Final settlement | |
2020/12/31 19:24:31 T | Restrictions of gatherings | 990.00 | - | 3,777.02 | 26.21 | Bought | 8cdfd1 |
2020/12/31 19:23:57 T | Restrictions of gatherings | 10.00 | - | 38.72 | 25.82 | Bought | 8cdfd1 |