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Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action User IP (masked)
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S No restrictions 0.00 - -18,251.03 0.00 Final settlement Travelling Salesman
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Restrictions of gatherings 0.00 - -3,815.75 0.00 Final settlement Anshuman Srinivasan
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Restrictions of gatherings 0.00 - -6,263.83 0.00 Final settlement TheKop 26
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) -4,166.29 - -4,166.29 100.00 Final settlement Eshwar Jayaprakash
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) - 0.00 -1,943.39 100.00 Final settlement TheKop 26
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) - 0.00 -1,311.10 100.00 Final settlement Travelling Salesman
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) - -2,653.52 -2,653.53 0.00 Final settlement Travelling Salesman
2021/01/02 14:21:09 S Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) - -13,069.50 -13,069.51 0.00 Final settlement Anirudh Badri
2021/01/02 14:21:09 R No restrictions 4,939.44 - -18,251.03 27.06 Reversal sale Travelling Salesman f59972b
2021/01/02 13:20:13 T No restrictions -4,939.44 - 18,251.03 27.06 Sold Travelling Salesman f59972b
2020/12/31 19:24:31 T Restrictions of gatherings 990.00 - 3,777.02 26.21 Bought Anshuman Srinivasan 8cdfd1
2020/12/31 19:23:57 T Restrictions of gatherings 10.00 - 38.72 25.82 Bought Anshuman Srinivasan 8cdfd1
2020/12/31 11:56:55 T Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) 1,000.00 - 4,166.29 24.00 Bought Eshwar Jayaprakash be60d2d
2020/12/30 11:16:47 T Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) - 1,000.00 1,311.10 23.73 Bought Travelling Salesman 739679bb
2020/12/30 11:16:39 T Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) - 2,100.00 2,653.53 20.86 Bought Travelling Salesman 739679bb
2020/12/30 11:16:23 T No restrictions -4,916.00 - 15,806.03 31.10 Sold Travelling Salesman 739679bb
2020/12/30 11:10:44 T Restrictions of gatherings 1,500.00 - 6,263.83 23.95 Bought TheKop 26 8d5e3b1b
2020/12/30 11:09:27 T Restrictions of gatherings -1,004.70 - 4,230.08 23.75 Sold TheKop 26 8d5e3b1b
2020/12/30 11:07:14 T Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) - 1,500.00 1,943.39 22.82 Bought TheKop 26 8d5e3b1b
2020/12/30 11:01:46 T Restrictions of gatherings 1,000.00 - 4,230.08 23.64 Bought TheKop 26 8d5e3b1b
2020/12/30 11:01:10 T No restrictions 9,000.00 - 30,118.77 29.88 Bought Travelling Salesman 739679bb
2020/12/30 10:59:36 T Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) - 10,000.00 13,069.51 23.49 Bought Anirudh Badri b7a5d5d5
2020/12/30 10:58:53 T No restrictions 1,000.00 - 3,938.30 25.39 Bought Travelling Salesman 739679bb
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement
Timestamp Complete curfew (00:00 hrs - 23:59 hrs, 1st Jan 2021) Partial Curfew (crufew for specific hours during the day) Restrictions of gatherings No restrictions
2020/12/31 19:24:31 20.27 24.15 26.60 28.99
2020/12/31 19:23:57 20.48 24.40 25.83 29.29
2020/12/31 11:56:55 20.48 24.40 25.82 29.30
2020/12/30 11:16:47 20.70 23.60 26.09 29.61
2020/12/30 11:16:39 20.63 23.85 26.01 29.51
2020/12/30 11:16:23 21.09 23.71 25.86 29.34
2020/12/30 11:10:44 20.03 22.52 24.55 32.90
2020/12/30 11:09:27 20.35 22.88 23.35 33.43
2020/12/30 11:07:14 20.13 22.64 24.16 33.08
2020/12/30 11:01:46 20.04 23.00 24.04 32.92
2020/12/30 11:01:10 20.25 23.24 23.24 33.27
2020/12/30 10:59:36 22.26 25.55 25.55 26.63
2020/12/30 10:58:53 24.74 24.74 24.74 25.79
2020/12/30 10:57:46 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00