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What type of "meat" will be the highest selling at McDonald's in 4 years?

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  • New question proposed accepted on 2022/12/01 17:42:33
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    What type of "meat" will be the highest selling at McDonald's in 4 years?
    Judgement rule
    1) If plant-based meat will be the highest selling "meat" at McDonald's in four 4 years, then "Plant-based meat" wins.
    2) If lab-grown meat (grown from animal cells in lab without hurting the animal) will be the highest selling "meat" at McDonald's in four 4 years, then "Lab-grown meat" wins.
    3) If traditional meat (sourced from traditionally farmed animals) will be the highest selling "meat" at McDonald's in four 4 years, then "Traditional (animal) meat" wins.
    Question type
    Unordered alternatives
    • (33.33%) Plant-based meat
    • (33.33%) Lab-grown meat
    • (33.33%) Traditional (animal) meat
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2022/12/01 24:00
    Result expected on
    2022/12/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):