Ist die Wiener Islam-Kindergartenstudie manipuliert oder korrekt?
Settlement proposals
Please check if any final result proposed here has really happened. Is there a reliable source for this information? Is the proposed cut-off date before the time when the final result became certain beyond reasonable doubt? Did the trader proposing the final result refrain from cheating with quick last trades? If these checks are positive, please vote "Yes" for settlement else "No".
§ Judgement rule
Abgerechnet wird nach dem Ergebnis der wissenschaftlichen Prüfung der Studie zur "Evaluierung ausgewählter Islamischer Kindergärten und –gruppen in Wien" bzgl. mögliches wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten durch die Kommission der Universität Wien gemäß § 14 der gültigen Richtlinien:
Es gilt die Erstentscheidung ungeachtet einer allfälligen Wiederaufnahme gem. § 14 (5).
Reference date:
July 6, 2017, 24:00 CEST
Prediki Predictions, Platform OperatorProposed result 1 accepted on 2017/11/11 09:39:20
Proposed result:Kein FehlverhaltenTrading cut-off:2017/11/08 05:30:00- 7 years ago
- Reply
- No support required
- 100.00% Yes
- 0.00% No
- 9.22% Participation
Propose final result (trigger settlement)
Is the final result now certain? If so, please enter a proposal to settle this question, citing the source of your information. In any case, make sure to enter the date and time when this result was beyond reasonable doubt to ensure a fair settlement.
Propose final result