How will the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) adjust the Federal Funds rate at their 19-20 March 2024 meeting?
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New question proposed accepted on 2024/03/19 11:05:01
- 11 months ago
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QuestionHow will the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) adjust the Federal Funds rate at their 19-20 March 2024 meeting?Judgement ruleExpiry follows the WikiQuestion typeOrdered answer scaleAnswers-
1. (16.67%) <= -25 basis points
2. (16.67%) (-25, 0) basis points
3. (16.67%) 0 (no change)
4. (16.67%) (0,+25] basis points
5. (16.67%) (25, 50] basis points
6. (16.65%) > 50 basis points
Time zoneAmerica/New_YorkReference date:2024/03/20 09:00Result expected on2024/03/20 09:00Trading session (optional):until 2024/03/20 09:00- No support required
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