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How much rewards in USD will be given out to the WINGS (https://wings.ai) community in 2019?

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    New question proposed accepted on 2019/01/12 07:33:59
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    How much rewards in USD will be given out to the WINGS (https://wings.ai) community in 2019?
    Judgement rule
    The answer is determined by the amount of tokens put into WINGS rewards smart contracts and the value of those tokens at that point in time.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (12.50%) $0
    • 2. (12.50%) $100
    • 3. (12.50%) $1000
    • 4. (12.50%) $10000
    • 5. (12.50%) $100,000
    • 6. (12.50%) $1,000,000
    • 7. (12.50%) $10,000,000
    • 8. (12.50%) $100,000,000
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2019/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2020/01/15 24:00
    Trading session (optional):