How many total "Live Thread: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Day n Part m (Thread #p)" threads will there be?
Judgement rule
How many total threads containing the title "Live Thread Russian Invasion of Ukraine" will exist before the Russian invasion of Ukraine is declared "over" by the UN?
Ordered answer scale
1. (11.11%) 175 - 200
2. (11.11%) 201-250
3. (11.11%) 251-300
4. (11.11%) 301-350
5. (11.11%) 351-400
6. (11.11%) 401-450
7. (11.11%) 451-500
8. (11.11%) 501-600
9. (11.11%) over
Time zone
Reference date:
2022/12/30 24:00
Result expected on
2022/03/31 24:00
Trading session (optional):
2022/03/20 24:00
2023/08/30 24:00