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How many people will see Deadpool 2 during its opening weekend in Austria?

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  • Prediki Predictions, Platform Operator
    Modification proposal 1 accepted on 2018/05/09 02:14:54

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    How many people will see Deadpool 2 during its opening weekend in Austria?
    Judgement rule
    This question will be settled by the amount of viewers that watch Deadpool 2 during its opening weekend in Austria, as reported by the Austrian Film Institute.
    This question will be settled by the amount of viewers that watch Deadpool 2 during its opening weekend in Austria (18. - 20. May 2018), as reported by the Austrian Film Institute.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (12.50%) Bis zu 70.000
    • 2. (12.50%) 70.000 - 90.000
    • 3. (12.50%) 90.000 - 100.000
    • 4. (12.50%) 100.000 - 110.000
    • 5. (12.50%) 110.000 - 120.000
    • 6. (12.50%) 120.000 - 130.000
    • 7. (12.50%) 130.000 - 150.000
    • 8. (12.50%) Mehr als 150.000
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2018/05/20 24:00
    Result expected on
    2018/05/27 24:00
    Trading session (optional):