How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?
Transaction logbook for asnan setiawan
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2017/07/01 19:11:17 S | 21 - 50 | -691.47 | - | -691.47 | 100.00 | Final settlement | |
2017/07/01 19:11:17 R | 21 - 50 | 138.12 | - | -691.47 | 19.97 | Reversal sale | zULUJg4r |
2017/04/20 00:29:49 T | 21 - 50 | -138.12 | - | 691.47 | 19.97 | Sold | zULUJg4r |
2016/05/02 11:48:48 T | 21 - 50 | 200.00 | - | 691.47 | 28.92 | Bought | #gGI3WXN |