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How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?

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  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    Modification proposal 1 accepted on 2015/12/03 18:21:57


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    How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?
    Judgement rule
    This question will be judged by the total number of the members of any and all organisations world-wide which adopt the principles of New Demarchy in the spirit of "The New Demarchy Manifesto":
    https://www.prediki.com/meta/The-New-Demarchy-Manifesto/ as of 31 December 2015.
    This question will be judged by the total number of members of any and all organisations world-wide on 31 December 2016 which are founded to further New Demarchy in the spirit of "The New Demarchy Manifesto" as proposed on the following web page:
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (11.11%) 0
    • 2. (11.11%) 1 - 10
    • 3. (11.11%) 11 - 20
    • 4. (11.11%) 21 - 50
    • 5. (11.11%) 51 - 100
    • 6. (11.11%) 101 - 200
    • 7. (11.11%) 201 - 500
    • 8. (11.11%) 501 - 1000
    • 9. (11.11%) 1000+ members
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):
  • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist
    New question proposed accepted on 2015/12/03 18:17:20
    Profile picture
    or cancel

    How many members will New Demarchy have in the end of 2016?
    Judgement rule
    This question will be judged by the total number of the members of any and all organisations world-wide which adopt the principles of New Demarchy in the spirit of "The New Demarchy Manifesto":
    https://www.prediki.com/meta/The-New-Demarchy-Manifesto/ as of 31 December 2015.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (11.11%) 0
    • 2. (11.11%) 1 - 10
    • 3. (11.11%) 11 - 20
    • 4. (11.11%) 21 - 50
    • 5. (11.11%) 51 - 100
    • 6. (11.11%) 101 - 200
    • 7. (11.11%) 201 - 500
    • 8. (11.11%) 501 - 1000
    • 9. (11.11%) 1000+ members
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Result expected on
    2016/12/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):