How many OECD countries will have drone delivery services by 2020?
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Prediki Predictions, Platform OperatorNew question proposed accepted on 2016/11/18 06:50:05
- 8 years ago
- Reply
QuestionHow many OECD countries will have drone delivery services by 2020?Judgement ruleThis prediction question shall be judged by the number of OECD countries which have at least one active privately-owned commercial drone delivery service in 2020. For the avoidance of doubt, defunct or closed services do not count, neither do government owned or operated services.Question typeOrdered answer scaleAnswers- 1. (12.50%) None
- 2. (12.50%) 1
- 3. (12.50%) 2
- 4. (12.50%) 3 to 5
- 5. (12.50%) 6 to 10
- 6. (12.50%) 11 to 17
- 7. (12.50%) 18 to 34 (more than half)
- 8. (12.50%) 35 (all)
Time zoneEurope/ViennaReference date:2020/12/31 24:00Result expected on2021/01/01 24:00Trading session (optional):until- No support required
- No voting required