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GMI 2013 UK shampoo market study: Which reason will panelists mention most often for chosing the brand they last purchased?

Transaction logbook for Bernie Jordan

Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action IP (masked)
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -21,620.81 0.00 Final settlement
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -21,436.64 - -21,436.64 100.00 Final settlement
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging 0.00 - -7,853.20 0.00 Final settlement
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising 0.00 - -8,572.31 0.00 Final settlement
2013/12/16 05:32:09 T Advertising 92.48 - 289.16 31.98 Bought RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:29:58 T An offer 7.51 - 49.18 15.27 Bought RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:29:05 T An offer 200.01 - 1,317.79 15.18 Bought RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:28:34 T Advertising -300.00 - 933.83 32.13 Sold RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:28:00 T The design of the packaging 1,000.00 - 7,853.20 12.73 Bought RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:26:52 T The smell 3,000.00 - 21,436.64 13.99 Bought RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:26:22 T Advertising 3,000.00 - 9,216.99 32.55 Bought RuShXlmI
2013/12/16 05:25:35 T An offer 3,000.00 - 20,253.83 14.81 Bought RuShXlmI
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement