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Analyse (quantitative)
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action User IP (masked)
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S Another reason not listed here 0.00 - -11,034.27 0.00 Final settlement Alison I.
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S Another reason not listed here - -1.11 -1.11 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S Another reason not listed here - -38.39 -38.39 0.00 Final settlement Yvonne Harris
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S Another reason not listed here 0.00 - -24,840.19 0.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S Another reason not listed here 0.00 - -29,662.11 0.00 Final settlement Steve Baxter
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S Another reason not listed here - -15.35 -15.35 0.00 Final settlement Vasil Sotirov
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S A recommendation - -1.11 -1.11 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S A recommendation 0.00 - -9.98 0.00 Final settlement Iain M.
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S A recommendation - -58.58 -58.58 0.00 Final settlement Yvonne Harris
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S A recommendation 0.00 - -14,053.13 0.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S A recommendation 0.00 - -16,600.76 0.00 Final settlement Steve Baxter
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S A recommendation - -38.70 -38.70 0.00 Final settlement Vasil Sotirov
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -290.32 0.00 Final settlement Yvette Ceaton
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -31,678.79 0.00 Final settlement Julie Clark
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -33,827.78 0.00 Final settlement Carina Weeks
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -6,214.33 0.00 Final settlement andy buckley
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -25.16 0.00 Final settlement Ghislaine M.
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer - -1.14 -1.14 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -62.64 0.00 Final settlement ellen smyth
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer - -47.83 -47.83 0.00 Final settlement Yvonne Harris
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -99.80 0.00 Final settlement Antonio de Marco
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -11,648.34 0.00 Final settlement Steve Baxter
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -4,952.75 0.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -21,620.81 0.00 Final settlement Bernie Jordan
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer - -27.39 -27.39 0.00 Final settlement Vasil Sotirov
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S An offer 0.00 - -6,805.85 0.00 Final settlement Ian Gallagher
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -19.56 - -19.56 100.00 Final settlement Matjaz Stropnik
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -391.71 - -391.71 100.00 Final settlement lola wallace
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -22,520.58 - -22,520.58 100.00 Final settlement Benedikt Breinbauer
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -14,035.01 - -14,035.01 100.00 Final settlement Florian Harth
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -20,711.85 - -20,711.85 100.00 Final settlement Anthony Liu
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -29,212.99 - -29,212.99 100.00 Final settlement Lisa Weeks
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -324.59 - -324.59 100.00 Final settlement Yvette Ceaton
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -20,008.15 - -20,008.15 100.00 Final settlement Ms. Landen
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -100.06 - -100.06 100.00 Final settlement Simon Maxwell
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -24.35 - -24.35 100.00 Final settlement Ghislaine M.
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -99.35 - -99.35 100.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -28,411.65 - -28,411.65 100.00 Final settlement John Symons
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -12.71 - -12.71 100.00 Final settlement ellen smyth
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -5,349.33 - -5,349.33 100.00 Final settlement Nikolay A.
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -14,795.84 - -14,795.84 100.00 Final settlement Alfie Meier
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -20,207.91 - -20,207.91 100.00 Final settlement Yvonne Harris
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -37,153.99 - -37,153.99 100.00 Final settlement Hugh Osborne
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -23,848.16 - -23,848.16 100.00 Final settlement Wes Blackwell
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -4,051.43 - -4,051.43 100.00 Final settlement Mandy Boss
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -1,453.70 - -1,453.70 100.00 Final settlement Antonio de Marco
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -15,418.61 - -15,418.61 100.00 Final settlement Matt Redfern
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -14,311.44 - -14,311.44 100.00 Final settlement Linda Jones
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -6,381.79 - -6,381.79 100.00 Final settlement Karen Brown
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -21,436.64 - -21,436.64 100.00 Final settlement Bernie Jordan
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -3,279.67 - -3,279.67 100.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -417.91 - -417.91 100.00 Final settlement Roy Jennings
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -3,663.92 - -3,663.92 100.00 Final settlement Steve Baxter
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -15,741.09 - -15,741.09 100.00 Final settlement Maria Sajid
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -3,521.06 - -3,521.06 100.00 Final settlement Shane Norris
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -15,064.78 - -15,064.78 100.00 Final settlement Ian Gallagher
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -19,356.53 - -19,356.53 100.00 Final settlement Vasil Sotirov
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The smell -14,216.77 - -14,216.77 100.00 Final settlement Cristiyan Rusinov
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging - -2,776.96 -2,776.96 0.00 Final settlement Mandy Boss
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging - -5,566.90 -5,566.90 0.00 Final settlement Carina Weeks
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging - -1.12 -1.12 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging 0.00 - -17.95 0.00 Final settlement ellen smyth
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging - -68.98 -68.98 0.00 Final settlement Yvonne Harris
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging - -22.86 -22.86 0.00 Final settlement Hugh Osborne
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging 0.00 - -157,304.45 0.00 Final settlement Mickey Pierce
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging 0.00 - -8,353.79 0.00 Final settlement Steve Baxter
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging 0.00 - -14,701.16 0.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging 0.00 - -7,853.20 0.00 Final settlement Bernie Jordan
2014/08/29 02:36:52 S The design of the packaging - -103.45 -103.45 0.00 Final settlement Vasil Sotirov
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising 0.00 - -83.16 0.00 Final settlement izabela fjjj
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising - -1.32 -1.32 0.00 Final settlement Jayme Mercer
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising - -2.64 -2.64 0.00 Final settlement ellen smyth
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising - -48.44 -48.44 0.00 Final settlement Yvonne Harris
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising 0.00 - -73.19 0.00 Final settlement Hugh Osborne
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising 0.00 - -8,572.31 0.00 Final settlement Bernie Jordan
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising 0.00 - -30,733.60 0.00 Final settlement Sabrine Poulson
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising 0.00 - -12,771.79 0.00 Final settlement Steve Baxter
2014/08/29 02:36:51 S Advertising - -1.10 -1.10 0.00 Final settlement Vasil Sotirov
2014/08/25 18:38:47 T The smell 2,717.23 - 3,521.06 77.17 Bought Shane Norris ulpOZ8_3
2014/08/25 18:38:39 T An offer -2,717.23 - 41,852.29 6.49 Sold Shane Norris ulpOZ8_3
2014/08/20 05:20:12 T The design of the packaging - 2,500.00 2,776.96 9.97 Bought Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/08/20 05:20:00 T The smell 3,000.00 - 4,051.43 74.05 Bought Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/08/20 05:18:55 T An offer -2,298.29 - 24,968.53 9.20 Sold Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/08/20 05:18:53 T The smell - -3,492.71 -11,874.85 70.59 Sold Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/08/17 07:57:08 T The smell 10,000.00 - 14,795.84 67.59 Bought Alfie Meier REf7c7K1
2014/08/13 17:38:29 T The smell 10.00 - 15.18 65.86 Bought Linda Jones nsgK_fTw
2014/08/12 16:14:15 T The smell 500.00 - 760.21 65.77 Bought Linda Jones nsgK_fTw
2014/08/12 16:14:02 T The design of the packaging - -512.63 -585.13 12.39 Sold Linda Jones nsgK_fTw
2014/08/12 16:13:48 T The smell 4,000.00 - 6,154.29 65.00 Bought Linda Jones nsgK_fTw
2014/08/12 16:13:40 T The design of the packaging - -4,000.00 -4,577.69 12.62 Sold Linda Jones nsgK_fTw
2014/08/12 15:12:45 T The design of the packaging 10,000.00 - 157,304.45 6.36 Bought Mickey Pierce DbOfx854
2014/07/21 04:33:28 T The smell 71.97 - 100.21 71.82 Bought Roy Jennings qCT8hvcg
2014/07/18 05:06:21 T The smell - 3,200.00 11,874.85 73.05 Bought Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/07/18 05:06:16 T An offer 3,000.00 - 24,968.53 12.02 Bought Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/07/18 05:06:10 T An offer -2,685.37 - 22,604.15 11.88 Sold Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/07/18 05:06:07 T The smell - -3,594.13 -13,385.37 73.15 Sold Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/07/17 07:01:05 T The smell 9,953.16 - 14,177.65 70.20 Bought Cristiyan Rusinov mzR57P_k
2014/07/17 06:20:59 T The smell - 4,000.00 13,385.37 70.12 Bought Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/07/17 06:20:55 T An offer 3,000.00 - 22,604.15 13.27 Bought Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
2014/07/17 06:20:46 T An offer -2,810.43 - 21,305.47 13.19 Sold Mandy Boss y9T#tJuO
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement
Timestamp Advertising The design of the packaging The smell An offer A recommendation Another reason not listed here
2014/08/25 18:38:47 2.57 9.84 77.50 5.09 2.05 2.95
2014/08/25 18:38:39 2.64 10.13 76.84 5.24 2.10 3.04
2014/08/20 05:20:12 2.57 9.84 74.67 7.91 2.05 2.95
2014/08/20 05:20:00 2.56 10.11 74.46 7.89 2.04 2.95
2014/08/20 05:18:55 2.64 10.43 73.64 8.15 2.10 3.04
2014/08/17 07:57:08 2.82 11.12 69.28 11.30 2.24 3.24
2014/08/13 17:38:29 3.13 12.36 65.86 12.55 2.49 3.60
2014/08/12 16:14:15 3.13 12.36 65.86 12.55 2.49 3.60
2014/08/12 16:14:02 3.15 12.42 65.68 12.62 2.51 3.62
2014/08/12 16:13:48 3.15 12.36 65.73 12.63 2.51 3.62
2014/08/12 16:13:40 3.29 12.89 64.26 13.17 2.62 3.78
2014/08/12 15:12:45 3.31 12.36 64.65 13.25 2.63 3.80
2014/07/21 04:33:28 3.67 2.62 71.83 14.73 2.93 4.23
2014/07/18 05:06:21 3.68 2.62 71.81 14.74 2.93 4.23
2014/07/18 05:06:16 3.36 2.39 74.27 13.45 2.67 3.86
2014/07/18 05:06:10 3.46 2.47 76.66 10.67 2.76 3.98
2014/07/18 05:06:07 3.37 2.40 74.52 13.16 2.68 3.87
2014/07/17 07:01:05 3.73 2.66 71.75 14.59 2.97 4.29
2014/07/17 06:20:59 4.14 2.95 68.63 16.21 3.30 4.77
2014/07/17 06:20:55 3.75 2.67 71.58 14.68 2.99 4.32
2014/07/17 06:20:46 3.88 2.76 73.88 11.94 3.09 4.46
2014/07/17 02:53:36 4.13 2.94 68.95 15.93 3.29 4.75
2014/07/16 16:19:55 4.17 2.97 68.63 16.10 3.32 4.80
2014/07/16 16:19:43 4.17 3.04 68.58 16.09 3.32 4.80
2014/07/16 16:19:27 4.40 3.20 66.88 16.96 3.50 5.06
2014/07/01 05:19:02 4.39 3.30 66.81 16.94 3.50 5.05
2014/07/01 05:18:55 4.01 3.02 69.69 15.47 3.19 4.62
2014/07/01 05:18:42 4.14 3.11 71.92 12.76 3.30 4.76
2014/07/01 05:18:40 4.00 3.01 69.44 15.78 3.18 4.60
2014/07/01 02:40:13 4.36 3.28 66.69 17.19 3.47 5.01
2014/06/28 14:43:42 4.84 3.64 62.99 19.10 3.85 5.57
2014/06/27 06:37:06 4.85 3.65 62.91 19.15 3.86 5.58
2014/06/25 05:27:30 4.55 3.42 65.21 17.96 3.62 5.24
2014/06/25 05:27:23 4.18 3.15 68.01 16.51 3.33 4.81
2014/06/25 05:27:12 4.34 3.27 70.57 13.38 3.46 4.99
2014/06/25 05:27:04 4.70 3.53 68.15 14.47 3.74 5.40
2014/06/23 14:21:01 4.51 3.39 65.43 17.89 3.59 5.19
2014/06/12 08:24:31 5.01 3.77 61.59 19.87 3.99 5.76
2014/06/12 08:24:23 5.01 3.77 61.60 19.87 3.99 5.76
2014/06/09 05:13:49 5.01 3.77 61.59 19.87 3.99 5.77
2014/06/09 05:13:44 4.67 3.51 64.24 18.50 3.72 5.37
2014/06/09 05:13:27 4.87 3.66 67.01 14.99 3.88 5.60
2014/06/09 05:13:18 4.65 3.49 63.97 18.85 3.70 5.34
2014/06/04 06:44:20 4.93 3.71 61.74 20.02 3.93 5.67
2014/06/02 08:12:00 4.31 3.24 53.93 30.13 3.43 4.96
2014/06/02 08:11:33 4.40 3.31 55.08 28.65 3.50 5.06
2014/06/01 19:44:44 4.79 3.60 51.13 31.17 3.81 5.51
2014/05/31 17:08:05 4.79 3.60 51.12 31.17 3.81 5.51
2014/05/29 12:48:59 4.79 3.60 51.11 31.18 3.81 5.51
2014/05/28 17:00:41 4.80 3.61 51.01 31.24 3.82 5.52
2014/05/22 20:54:35 5.33 4.01 45.56 34.71 4.25 6.13
2014/05/22 20:54:07 5.47 4.11 44.17 35.60 4.36 6.29
2014/05/22 20:53:59 5.38 4.05 43.48 35.04 4.29 7.76
2014/05/22 13:29:11 5.38 4.05 43.47 35.05 4.29 7.76
2014/05/22 13:29:03 5.38 4.05 43.48 35.04 4.29 7.76
2014/05/22 13:28:41 5.47 4.11 44.17 35.60 4.36 6.29
2014/05/22 07:32:02 5.40 4.06 44.87 35.15 4.30 6.21
2014/05/22 07:31:51 5.47 4.11 44.17 35.60 4.36 6.29
2014/05/22 04:12:17 5.41 4.07 43.71 35.23 4.31 7.27
2014/05/22 04:12:09 5.47 4.11 44.17 35.60 4.36 6.29
2014/05/22 03:18:22 5.41 4.07 44.75 35.23 4.31 6.23
2014/05/22 03:18:14 5.47 4.11 44.18 35.59 4.35 6.29
2014/05/22 02:43:13 5.41 4.07 43.73 36.25 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 19:22:02 5.41 4.07 43.72 36.26 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 19:21:55 5.41 4.07 43.71 36.26 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 19:21:35 5.41 4.07 43.71 36.26 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 19:21:12 5.41 4.07 43.71 36.26 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 19:20:55 5.41 4.07 43.72 36.26 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 19:20:34 5.47 4.11 44.17 35.60 4.36 6.29
2014/05/21 19:20:24 5.41 4.07 44.73 35.24 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 18:53:20 5.41 4.07 44.74 35.24 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 18:51:19 5.41 4.07 44.73 35.24 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 18:50:49 5.41 4.07 44.74 35.24 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 17:14:20 5.41 4.07 44.74 35.24 4.31 6.23
2014/05/21 15:45:24 6.01 4.52 49.71 28.04 4.79 6.92
2014/05/21 13:18:40 6.01 4.52 49.71 28.04 4.79 6.92
2014/05/21 13:01:19 6.68 5.03 55.23 20.05 5.32 7.69
2014/05/21 06:02:37 6.68 5.03 55.25 20.03 5.32 7.69
2014/05/21 04:06:15 6.68 5.03 55.25 20.03 5.32 7.69
2014/05/21 04:06:00 6.76 5.09 54.68 20.29 5.39 7.79
2014/05/21 04:05:46 7.42 5.59 50.26 22.27 5.92 8.55
2014/03/05 06:33:34 6.76 5.09 54.68 20.29 5.39 7.79
2014/03/05 06:33:22 6.41 4.83 57.03 19.23 5.11 7.38
2014/03/05 06:31:23 6.72 5.06 59.80 15.31 5.36 7.74
2014/03/05 06:31:19 6.42 4.83 57.07 19.17 5.12 7.39
2014/03/05 06:00:23 6.86 5.16 54.13 20.49 5.47 7.90
2014/03/02 15:04:47 7.23 5.44 51.64 21.60 5.76 8.32
2014/03/02 15:04:41 7.62 5.74 54.44 17.35 6.07 8.77
2014/03/01 10:02:34 7.13 5.37 57.38 16.23 5.68 8.21
2014/03/01 10:01:36 6.55 4.93 52.74 23.00 5.22 7.54
2014/03/01 10:01:15 7.13 5.37 57.38 16.23 5.68 8.21
2014/02/25 19:20:44 14.85 4.92 52.61 14.88 5.21 7.53
2014/02/25 19:20:08 16.50 5.47 47.35 16.54 5.79 8.36
2014/02/25 19:19:44 14.85 4.92 52.61 14.88 5.21 7.53
2014/02/25 05:00:36 16.50 5.47 47.35 16.54 5.79 8.36
2014/02/24 05:40:39 16.67 5.53 47.85 15.65 5.85 8.45
2014/02/21 12:05:34 15.77 5.23 50.66 14.81 5.53 7.99
2014/02/21 12:04:59 17.47 5.79 45.35 16.40 6.13 8.85
2014/02/20 11:52:26 17.43 5.78 45.49 16.36 6.11 8.83
2014/02/20 11:52:15 17.43 5.77 45.49 16.36 6.12 8.83