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Transactions by Yvonne Harris

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total -10,507.98 -27.22 +10,535.20
2014/02/20 11:51:15   T The smell 250.00 - 550.55 45.41 -250.00
2014/02/20 11:51:36   T Advertising - 40.00 -48.44 17.43 -40.00
2014/02/20 11:51:45   T The design of the packaging - 65.00 -68.98 5.78 -65.00
2014/02/20 11:51:55   T Another reason not listed here - 35.00 -38.39 8.83 -35.00
2014/02/20 11:52:09   T An offer 10.00 - 61.09 16.37 -10.00
2014/02/20 11:52:15   T An offer -10.00 - -61.09 16.37 +10.00
2014/02/20 11:52:15   T An offer - 40.00 -47.83 16.36 -40.00
2014/02/20 11:52:26   T A recommendation - 55.00 -58.58 6.12 -55.00
2014/02/21 12:04:59   T The smell -250.07 - -550.55 45.42 +250.07
2014/02/21 12:05:34   T The smell 9,700.00 - 20,207.91 48.00 -9,700.00
2014/08/29 02:36:51   S Advertising - -48.44 48.44 0.00 +48.44
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S The design of the packaging - -68.98 68.98 0.01 +68.98
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S The smell -20,207.91 - -20,207.91 100.00 +20,207.91
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S An offer - -47.83 47.83 -0.01 +47.83
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S A recommendation - -58.58 58.58 0.00 +58.58
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S Another reason not listed here - -38.39 38.39 0.00 +38.39
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement