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Transactions by Mandy Boss

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total 1,115.26 1,568.83 -2,684.09
2014/03/02 15:04:41   T The smell - 5,000.00 -11,341.41 55.91 -5,000.00
2014/03/02 15:04:47   T An offer 5,000.00 - 25,751.36 19.42 -5,000.00
2014/03/05 06:31:19   T The smell - -5,035.17 11,341.41 55.60 +5,035.17
2014/03/05 06:31:23   T An offer -4,425.18 - -25,751.36 17.18 +4,425.18
2014/03/05 06:33:22   T An offer 4,500.00 - 26,140.99 17.21 -4,500.00
2014/03/05 06:33:34   T The smell - 4,000.00 -9,061.10 55.86 -4,000.00
2014/06/09 05:13:18   T The smell - -3,365.62 9,061.10 62.86 +3,365.62
2014/06/09 05:13:27   T An offer -4,408.09 - -26,140.99 16.86 +4,408.09
2014/06/09 05:13:44   T An offer 4,000.00 - 23,955.76 16.70 -4,000.00
2014/06/09 05:13:49   T The smell - 4,000.00 -10,788.23 62.92 -4,000.00
2014/06/25 05:27:04   T An offer -3,864.37 - -23,955.76 16.13 +3,864.37
2014/06/25 05:27:12   T The smell - -3,304.51 10,788.23 69.37 +3,304.51
2014/06/25 05:27:23   T An offer 3,500.00 - 23,491.46 14.90 -3,500.00
2014/06/25 05:27:30   T The smell - 4,000.00 -11,982.97 66.62 -4,000.00
2014/07/01 05:18:40   T The smell - -3,825.65 11,982.97 68.07 +3,825.65
2014/07/01 05:18:42   T An offer -3,341.58 - -23,491.46 14.22 +3,341.58
2014/07/01 05:18:55   T An offer 3,000.00 - 21,305.47 14.08 -3,000.00
2014/07/01 05:19:02   T The smell - 4,000.00 -12,602.15 68.26 -4,000.00
2014/07/17 06:20:44   T The smell - -3,736.42 12,602.15 70.35 +3,736.42
2014/07/17 06:20:46   T An offer -2,810.43 - -21,305.47 13.19 +2,810.43
2014/07/17 06:20:55   T An offer 3,000.00 - 22,604.15 13.27 -3,000.00
2014/07/17 06:20:59   T The smell - 4,000.00 -13,385.37 70.12 -4,000.00
2014/07/18 05:06:07   T The smell - -3,594.13 13,385.37 73.15 +3,594.13
2014/07/18 05:06:10   T An offer -2,685.37 - -22,604.15 11.88 +2,685.37
2014/07/18 05:06:16   T An offer 3,000.00 - 24,968.53 12.02 -3,000.00
2014/07/18 05:06:21   T The smell - 3,200.00 -11,874.85 73.05 -3,200.00
2014/08/20 05:18:53   T The smell - -3,492.71 11,874.85 70.59 +3,492.71
2014/08/20 05:18:55   T An offer -2,298.29 - -24,968.53 9.20 +2,298.29
2014/08/20 05:20:00   T The smell 3,000.00 - 4,051.43 74.05 -3,000.00
2014/08/20 05:20:12   T The design of the packaging - 2,500.00 -2,776.96 9.97 -2,500.00
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S The design of the packaging - -2,776.96 2,776.96 0.00 +2,776.96
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S The smell -4,051.43 - -4,051.43 100.00 +4,051.43
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement