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Transactions by Lee K.

Amounts in Credits
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % P&L (in Credits)
Total 1,761.47 0.00 -1,761.47
2014/02/15 03:45:08   T The smell 4,000.00 - 7,366.75 54.30 -4,000.00
2014/02/19 10:53:20   T Advertising 6,000.00 - 55,598.70 10.79 -6,000.00
2014/02/19 10:53:30   T The smell -3,537.99 - -7,366.75 48.03 +3,537.99
2014/02/19 10:57:22   T Advertising 1,000.01 - 6,762.32 14.79 -1,000.01
2014/02/19 10:58:01   T Advertising 530.00 - 3,424.77 15.48 -530.00
2014/02/19 10:58:25   T Advertising 7.00 - 44.54 15.72 -7.00
2014/02/19 12:24:52   T Advertising 2,000.00 - 12,059.13 16.58 -2,000.00
2014/03/01 10:01:15   T Advertising -8,237.55 - -77,889.46 10.58 +8,237.55
2014/03/01 10:01:36   T An offer 8,000.00 - 41,089.60 19.47 -8,000.00
2014/03/01 10:02:34   T An offer -8,000.00 - -41,089.60 19.47 +8,000.00
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement