Transactions by John Symons
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | P&L (in Credits) |
Total | -18,411.65 | 0.00 | +18,411.65 | |||
2013/12/18 19:58:32   T | The smell | 1,000.00 | - | 3,213.78 | 31.12 | -1,000.00 |
2013/12/18 20:12:31   T | The smell | 1,000.01 | - | 3,140.94 | 31.84 | -1,000.01 |
2013/12/19 18:47:13   T | The smell | 6,267.04 | - | 17,546.16 | 35.72 | -6,267.04 |
2013/12/19 18:48:05   T | The smell | 1,732.95 | - | 4,510.76 | 38.42 | -1,732.95 |
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S | The smell | -28,411.65 | - | -28,411.65 | 100.00 | +28,411.65 |