Transactions by Carina Weeks
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | P&L (in Credits) |
Total | 5,000.00 | -566.90 | -4,433.10 | |||
2013/12/19 00:10:54   T | An offer | 5,000.00 | - | 33,827.78 | 14.78 | -5,000.00 |
2013/12/19 00:11:31   T | The design of the packaging | - | 5,000.00 | -5,566.90 | 10.18 | -5,000.00 |
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S | The design of the packaging | - | -5,566.90 | 5,566.90 | 0.00 | +5,566.90 |
2014/08/29 02:36:52   S | An offer | 0.00 | - | -33,827.78 | 0.00 | +0.00 |