Commoditisation: Will the global price of the online Usage & Attitude study recover or continue to fall 2016 - 2020 as an annual percentage?
Transaction logbook for Alejandro Garnica
Timestamp | Answer option | Long (for) | Short (against) | Shares | Price % | Action | IP (masked) |
2016/11/02 12:26:10 T | -5 to -2% p.a. | 7,000.00 | - | 29,505.00 | 23.72 | Bought | 4U4cjkmr |
2016/11/02 12:25:56 T | +2 to +5% p.a. | -7,000.00 | - | 65,510.79 | 10.69 | Sold | 4U4cjkmr |
2016/11/02 12:19:32 T | +2 to +5% p.a. | 7,000.00 | - | 65,510.79 | 10.69 | Bought | 4U4cjkmr |