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Brexit (i.e. the UK leaving the EU): What percentage will the Leave side achieve?

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  • Helene Meier, Prediki Support
    • 8 years ago
  • Jiaqi Sun
    Topic Management

    To make the research question more appropriate.

    • 8 years ago
    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      Well done, Jiaqi. I support, so your first predictoion question is live. Now you will need to organise a crowd of ca. 50 people to kickstart your question.

    • Jiaqi Sun
      Topic Management

      Thank you Hubertus. I will send out invitation soon - but the Google email contact invitation does not seem to work on the Web site, not sure why.

    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      Apologies. IT is already aware. They will contact you.

  • Jiaqi Sun
    Topic Management
    Question proposal created. ...more
    • 8 years ago
    • Hubertus Hofkirchner, Chief Futurist

      Hi Jiaqi, thanks for your question.

      The likelihood is the outcome for your question, it should not be not the question itself as it cannot be empirically established.

      To make this a proper prediciton market question (verifiable) it needs to be reformulated (use "§" -> "Modify" to change it). There are two possiblities depending on what you want: (1) the outcome of the referendum, or (2) what is happening afterwards Britain exiting or not or to what degree. Or you can or course do two question.

      If your project wants to explore (1) your question could be for example: "Brexit: What percentage will the Leave side achieve?" Do you know how to recruit respondents for your project?
