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Brexit (i.e. the UK leaving the EU): What percentage will the Leave side achieve?

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  • Modification proposal 1 accepted on 2016/04/04 06:24:18

    To make the research question more appropriate.

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    What is the probability of BREXIT i.e. the UK leaving the EU?
    Brexit (i.e. the UK leaving the EU): What percentage will the Leave side achieve?
    Judgement rule
    The result will based on the final decision in June/July 2016.
    The result will be based on the final decision in June/July 2016.
    Question type
    Ordered answer scale
    • 1. (10.00%) 0-10%
    • 2. (10.00%) 11-20%
    • 3. (10.00%) 21-30%
    • 4. (10.00%) 31-40%
    • 5. (10.00%) 41-50%
    • 6. (10.00%) 51-60%
    • 7. (10.00%) 61-70%
    • 8. (10.00%) 71-80%
    • 9. (10.00%) 81-90%
    • 10. (10.00%) 91-100%
    Time zone
    Reference date:
    2016/06/30 24:00
    Result expected on
    2016/07/31 24:00
    Trading session (optional):