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Analyse (quantitative)
Timestamp Answer option Long (for) Short (against) Shares Price % Action User IP (masked)
2022/10/29 00:29:20 T Dummy is not hit. with a newer FSD version 10,000.00 - 49,217.16 20.32 Bought Onn Wei fe83667
2022/09/30 23:34:51 T Undecided (no bout) 9,376.31 - 43,135.23 21.74 Bought Scott Bugbee 8db381da
2022/09/11 22:44:58 T Dummy is not hit, with a current FSD version 10,000.00 - 42,293.68 23.64 Bought Dean Szentes befced85
2022/09/08 12:45:42 T Dummy is not hit, with a current FSD version - 1,000.00 1,248.36 19.90 Bought Pezi B. faebe21f
O=Opening valuation, M=Market valuation, C=Closing valuation, T=Trade, R=Reversal, S=Settlement
Timestamp Dummy is hit, and Tesla does not sue Dummy is hit, and Tesla sues Undecided (no bout) Dummy is not hit. with a newer FSD version Dummy is not hit, with a current FSD version
2022/10/29 00:29:20 14.71 14.71 23.18 24.71 22.68
2022/09/30 23:34:51 16.35 16.35 25.76 16.35 25.20
2022/09/11 22:44:58 18.05 18.05 18.05 18.05 27.81
2022/09/08 12:45:42 20.05 20.05 20.05 20.05 19.79
2022/09/08 09:00:15 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00