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"The Bout" - Dan O'Dowd against Elon Musk: Will a self-driving Tesla run down a child?

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§ Judgement rule
Tech billionaire Dan O'Dowd publicly challenged Tesla founder Elon Musk to a "Bout to end all Doubt", a public test if a self-driving Tesla will run down a child-sized dummy. Possible outcomes are as follows: If the event does not proceed within a year, the question will be judged "Undecided". If Tesla thinks the test deceptive or manipulative they may sue the Dawn Project or Dan O'Dowd, e.g. for libel. The test may proceed with a current FSD Beta version (latest 10.69.1) or a newer one. https://dawnproject.com/the-bout-to-end-all-doubt-dan-odowd-challenges-elon-musk-to-publicly-test-a-self-driving-tesla-to-determine-if-it-will-run-down-a-child/
Reference date: Sept. 6, 2022, 24:00 PDT

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