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Prediki is an interactive communication tool, a new form of Social Media, ideally suited to assist you in your work as Public Relations or Investor Relations Officer.
Investor Relations
For publicly traded corporations and other companies which want to furnish the financial community with information and analyses, Prediki is a Web 2.0 alternative to traditional methods. By sponsoring the "wikinomic" generation of financial information, you can reduce uncertainty in the market and build an active community of contributors. As a consequence of better information, financial market participants perceive lower risk, and you benefit directly through better financing terms and higher valuations.
Prediki offers a real alternative:
- To paid analysis -- As an issuer, you can pay financial analysts for writing research reports. However, paid research automatically leave an ambivalent impression and its neutrality has been critically questioned in many studies. On the other hand, if you sponsor analytical questions on Prediki, the forecasting market's incentive system will always tend towards objectivity because the participating experts can only earn a larger share of the incentive if their prediction are better in relation to the objective final outcome.
- To own forecasts -- For a company, forward looking statements always mean playing with fire. The consequences of profit warnings are often fatal for the credibility, the share price and for careers. By sponsoring a prediction on Prediki you can generate a external neutral perspective of your company's future for the financial community, without risking additional responsibility for bad forecasts in the event of negative developments.
- To individual opinions -- Conventional research reports are written by single analysts, and as a company you are largely at the mercy of their subjective opinions. Negative individual opinions can make an overblown impact on the public's perception, counteracting can often prove difficult, too late, or even impossible. Prediki-questions are always answered collaboratively by the expert community; groups of many experts have been shown to know more than single experts.
- To one-off information -- When a traditional research report is finished, the analyst will turn to the next subject, and his product will be outdated by subsequent developments within a few days. However, if you sponsor an analysis on Prediki, the community will continuously update the analysis-wiki for newly arriving information and factor it into the forecasting market's prices in real-time.
By the way: You can integrate Prediki-Charts and Wikis with simple means into the IR-section of your corporate website and thus provide an additional service for your investors.
Not only as an issuer, also as a financial institution you can make good use of Prediki. Whether you are considering a financial transaction or evaluating an existing position, you can ask well-directed public - or even confidential - Prediki questions to elicit a consensus opinion for critical elements of your financing decision.
Further information
- About Prediki: "A Leader asks questions"